About materials
Metals have a variety of properties, and it is important to select
the right material according to the purpose for which it is to be used.
Thinly-rolled materials with excellent
electrical conductivity enable rechargeable
batteries to be more compact
Thin, lightweight diaphragms are
important parts of audio equipment
Supports and holds elements
when adhering micro-devices
Useful in gap and height adjustment in precision instruments
High-precision thin foil is used as
a standard in measuring instruments
Flat springs
As precision instruments become
ever smaller, their operating parts need
to be thinner and more accurate
Heating elements
Thin foil with high electrical resistance
is used in electric heaters
Electrodes for batteries and condensers
Titanium / Nickel / Pure aluminium
Strain gauges
Thin foil reacts to the smallest movement.
Useful as a mechanical sensor